Ever wonder how EZC Pak was created? Watch Part One of EZC Pak Creator Sarath Malepati, MD's interview with famed Emmy Award-winning broadcast journalist Pat O'Brien on Business Rockstars.
Dr. Malepati discusses his all too frequent encounters with patients suffering from superbug infections such as C. diff and MRSA and the rampant inappropriate use of antibiotics for colds and flu.
80% of upper respiratory infections are viral, so the best thing a patient can do for themselves is to support their immune system to clear the infection. Antibiotics can't treat viruses and can cause more harm than good.
Why are over half of antibiotic prescriptions written at doctor's offices clinically inappropriate? The #1 Reason: Patient Expectation. Providers fear not satisfying the patient's expectation of getting their requested antibiotic and losing subsequent business.
To stem the tide of inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions while maintaining patient satisfaction and educating patients, Dr. Malepati's created the EZC Pak, a 5-Day tapered immune support supplement.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently sent the EZC Pak Team a letter of gratitude for the work around raising awareness to the problem of antibiotic misuse.
In his entertaining interview with Business Rockstars, host Pat O'Brien asks Dr. Malepati what the secret to EZC Pak is? His response, "Love. And Science."
EZC Pak is premium ingredients married to the best available clinical data to give you the highest-quality product for your immune system. EZC Pak contains no added sugar, is gluten free and vegetarian. Physician designed and directed, without the need for a prescription. Happiness is Feeling Better.
Television Segment One - Biz TV
Full Audio Interview - iHeart Radio